Covid Relief Work

During the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown, BVS Satara identified the affected poor families and launched a drive to help them by providing ration kits containing essential groceries and toiletries that would help a family of five members sustain for a month. We raised these ration kits from different donors from around Maharashtra, including alumni of our school and colleges, well-wishers, friends, and institute staff members.

Several organizations, including Jansahas, Madhya Pradesh; Karuna Trust Deutschland; Randal Charitable Foundation; and British Asian Trust provided necessary financial assistance for the cause. Other organizations like CYDA Pune; Nirman Pune; and OSDF Pune helped us immensely in raising these funds. With this assistance, we helped over 700 families from different villages around Satara. This welfare work is still ongoing in different affected areas of the district.

BVS Satara conducted several awareness activities with the help of college staff and students about the precautionary measures to be taken during the pandemic. We are committed to continuing our efforts to support those affected by the pandemic and will strive to make a positive impact on the lives of people in need.

Since our foundation, our main aim at BVS Satara has been to spread equality and ensure equal social justice in society. In this regard, we have made significant efforts towards the upliftment of denotified and nomadic people, as well as towards all citizens during trying times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic had a severe impact on rural areas, with people being worst hit by the mandatory lockdowns. They did not have access to basic facilities such as food and clean water, and many lost their means of livelihood, leaving them without food and money for expenses.

To address this issue, BVS Satara, along with teaching staff from YCSSW, volunteers, and several notable NGOs, came together to provide relief measures during the pandemic. Our team visited several villages and distributed food kits to the needy people. We also provided educational and recreational kits to children so that their education doesn’t get hampered. Our relief work went beyond the distribution of food grains in rural areas. We provided villages with the required medical equipment and facilities as well. We donated hospital beds, ventilators, medicines, and other necessary items to different rural regions of Maharashtra. We even helped the Satara District Civil Hospital build a COVID unit for children.

During the pandemic and lockdown period, our volunteers, staff members, various NGOs, corporates, and other agencies associated with us helped spread awareness about precautions to be taken to avoid the spread of COVID. Our volunteers travelled to various rural parts to educate people about the importance of washing hands, using soap, wearing face masks, maintaining hygiene, and taking other similar measures.

Our efforts were not limited to the pandemic period. We extended our efforts post-pandemic as well. With the help of our supporters, our volunteers visited rural areas and vaccinated people with COVID vaccines.

Below are the step-by-step details of the different food, education, medical kits distribution, and other activities conducted by BVS Satara during the pandemic period.

Covid Awareness Activity at Bhosale Wadi through Home Visits:

A COVID awareness activity was conducted by the college at Bhosale Wadi through home visits. Around 50 families were visited through this activity. It was coordinated by Ms. Salma Inamdar, Counselor, FCC, Satara.